
IBM Deep Blue vs. Kasparov

IBM Deep Blue vs. Kasparov

Learn about the amazing moments when man challenged machine!

What happened when man and machine played chess at around the same level? These 24 challenges come from the historic 1996 match and 1997 rematch between World Champion Garry Kasparov and IBM's Deep Blue supercomputer. These challenges are richly annotated with extensive natural language to allow beginners and novices to follow world-class chess. Experienced players will want this collector's item for their mentor library. Learn how supercomputers play!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn about an amazing time in chess history!
  • Practice calculating tricky tactics!
  • Learn about the strengths of human and computer chess styles!

Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 6 of 1996 Match (the opening)

This position occurred in the sixth game of the 1996 match between IBM's Deep Blue program and PCA World Champion Garry Kasparov.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 6 of 1996 Match (middlegame)

This position continues game 6 of the 1996 match. White (Kasparov) is to make his 28th move.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 6 of 1996 Match (conclusion)

This position occurred in the sixth game of the 1996 match between IBM's Deep Blue program and PCA World Champion Gary Kasparov with Kasparov leading the match 3-2.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, a variation of game 6 in the 1996 match

This position could have occurred in the sixth game of the 1996 match between IBM's Deep Blue program and PCA World Champion Gary Kasparov.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 2 of 1996 Match (middlegame)

This position occurred in the second game of the 1996 match between IBM's Deep Blue program and PCA World Champion Garry Kasparov.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 2 of 1996 Match (conclusion)

This is the conclusion of Game 2. A previous challenge showed Kasparov playing White making positional gains in the middlegame.
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Deep Blue - Kasparov, Game 3 of 1996 Match

In game three, Deep Blue repeated its choice of the Alapin Sicilian (1.e4 c5 2.c3), but this time, Kasparov was well prepared and appeared to emerge with an early advantage with Black.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 4 of 1996 Match

This is an extremely interesting position from the point of view of the gamesmanship that Garry demonstrates.
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Deep Blue - Kasparov, Game 5 of 1996 Match (middlegame)

Deep Blue (White) opened this fifth game with a variation called the "Scotch Four Knights".
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Deep Blue - Kasparov, Game 2 of 1997 Rematch (conclusion)

Ever since the 1996 match between Deep Blue and Garry Kasparov, a lot of expectations and speculations arose about the ongoing improvements of computer chess.
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Kasparov's missed drawing resource in Game 2 of the 1997 IBM Deep Blue - Garry Kasparov Rematch

It is a rare occurrence when a world champion resigns a game in a drawn position.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 1 of 1997 Rematch (late middlegame)

This position occurred after Deep Blue, playing with the Black pieces, had just unleashed the sharp 28...f5.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 1 of 1997 Rematch (conclusion)

This is the conclusion of Game 1 of the 1997 rematch. Deep Blue has just played pawn captures pawn on g4, and it is now Garry's turn to play his 41st move.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 3 of 1997 Rematch (endgame)

This position is near the end of Game 3 of the 1997 Rematch. Deep Blue playing Black is one pawn ahead, but Garry has nice outposts for his bishop and knight.
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Deep Blue - Kasparov, Game 4 of 1997 Rematch (late endgame variation)

This position occurred in game 4 of the 1997 rematch. Deep Blue just played his rook to h7 in order to protect the attacked pawn on h4.
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Kasparov - Deep Blue, Game 5 of 1997 Rematch (endgame variation)

After Deep Blue, playing with the Black pieces, seemed to enjoy a little advantage in the middlegame, Kasparov managed to gain a slight initiative.
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Deep Blue - Kasparov, Game 6 of 1997 Rematch (final position)

In this final game of the 1997 match, a nerve-racked Kasparov blundered in the opening.
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