Dijamantski član

My timezone is correct and my present rating is 1356. Now 1368. Now 1283. Now 1315.

What is the OTB rating? I am playing two games now for the Peace Warriors against an opponent with a much higher rating than mine. My rating lowers when I lose.   I never did get to play a slow chess league game. It appears to be much easier to enter a game for the Peace Warrior team than to  get a match in the slow chess league?  I enjoy watching Daniel Rensch's study plan videos. I work second shift five days a week and have Sunday and Wednesday off. Since I am up at odd hours I really do not care what timezone my opponent is from. My present ranking is much lower now.   It is less than 1200. I did lose two rated games on time to an opponent with a much lower ranking than mine when my computer network malfunctioned and I could not get on the internet to make moves. I will try to not break my record of seven losses in a row! This did not help my ranking!