یک باشگاه شطرنج پیدا کنید

Team Latvia
Šīs grupas mērķis ir piedalīties Pasaules Līgas (World League) un Eiropas Līgas (European League) mačos gan klasiskajā formātā, gan Chess960...
Exelsio's Blunder Bros
This is the official Club of Exelsio. We are holding weekly tournaments.  Now would be a great time to become one of my Blunder Bros
Lyon échecs
Bienvenue sur le site de Lyon échecs et de ses environs... Tous les joueurs ayant le coeur lyonnais et qui ont envie de défendre notre belle ville,...
Chessmania6724 팬클럽
체마님 사랑해요
Team Honduras
This is the group representing ''Honduras'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
www.chesstopia.net wechat: bestchess21 Email: [email protected]
Grand Echiquier Lausanne
Le GEL est un club d'échecs comptant une centaine de membres. Quel que soit votre niveau et votre âge, vous trouverez des gens avec qui jouer, vous...
Clube de xadrez7201
Clube de Xadrez 
Hassan 2 Marrakech Chess Club
Welcome to the Hassan 2 Chess Club, where students come together for strategic fun and friendly competition! Whether you're a chess enthusiast or j...
Charlotte Chess Center
The CCC is a two-time national award winning institute and an official organizing partner of Chess.com. Join us for weekly tournaments, discussions...
Kick-assertion chess
The vibe here is very cool and relaxed as if we are there on the beach, or playing with waves in the ocean surf. No one needs to talk, no one needs...
I like beer and Chess
  Regras para entrar e permanecer no I like Beer and Chess 10 jogos diários completos. 2 meses de Chess.com. Não ter 15 p...
The African Wild Dogs of Chess -TAWDoC-
Join if you like African wild dogs!!! Or dogs.    
Chess Team Trayana
Join the Trayana chess family!We organize daily tournaments where you can test your skills and meet other chess enthusiasts. Whether you are a begi...
Schachgemeinschaft Deutschland
Hallo, wir würden uns wirklich sehr freuen, wenn wir Dich in der Schachgemeinschaft Deutschland begrüßen dürfen! Folge einfa...
Team Germany
Willkommen bei Team Germany. Was erwartet dich bei uns? Wir treten in spannenden Wettbewerben wie der World- und European League gege...
Team Philippines United
Greetings to all chess players, from beginners to grandmasters. We are the OFFICIAL PHILIPPINE TEAM that competes in big stages, (for at least seve...
DHBW Schachklub- Friedrichshafen
Alle Studierenden und Mitarbeitenden der DHBW Friedrichshafen sind herzlich willkommen, unserem Klub beizutreten! Wir veranstalten regelmä&szl...
CHESS.com Club
Welcome to CHESS.com Club   Hello in the club some rules are mandatory.Prohibition to insult, talk religion or politics. All disputes will...
Srbija Tim
Ovo je klub koji predstavlja Srbiju u chess.com Svetskoj i Evropskoj ligi, u dnevnom šahu kao i šahu uživo. Članovi mogu igrati ...
Bienvenidos al club Demonchess! Nuestra aventura juntos comienza!!  Organizaremos torneos de todo tipo e incluso habrá puzzles. Pod...
US Team Chess League
This is a group dedicated to managing the US Team Chess League, which is an interstate competition - between US State or Canadian Province teams. ...
Bretagne Echecs
Bienvenue aux bretons et amoureux de la Bretagne. https://www.chess.com/club/bretagne-echecs