Hello, my name is Valeriy Aveskulov and I am a GM from Ukraine. You can read more about me on my personal webpage: www.chesstao.com....
15$ por hora, paquete de 20 horas 10$ la hora. Hola mi nombre es Kemel Antonio Gallo Garcia y juego ajedrez desde los 6 años....
Player for the NY Marshalls 2021-2022 NYS Blitz Champion 1.5/8 vs Hikaru Formerly Named: @1d31-0, @Ninjago_Master, @MightyMongoose2000
Chessable author and full-time Chesscoach. Discounts offered for the purchase of lesson packages! I offer a personalized training...
International Grandmaster, former Candidate for the world chess championship title. 5-time US Chess Champion. Player. Commentator. This...
Now, why does everything have to be about me? Let's talk about you! Whether you like it or not, I know a lot about you. For example,...
Hello guys , My Name is Ali Rastbod and currently I am Fide Trainer & Fide Master with 3 IM NormI am 24 years old and I've started...