
Hello, My name is Adrian. I am 17 years old and well I'm really into science. I average Bs in class, and I do what's necessary and no more than that.  My hobbies include playing guitar, chess, and longboarding. And no, longboarding is not the lazy man skateboarding, at least not in the way I ride it. I average around 60 MPH and can do the Colman slide and a 180 slide.  I don't have many friends IRL because in my perspective they slow you down in life. but online is a whole other life. I am Spoiled rotten and can get everything I want. I'm Rich AF and I kinda hate it.  I have 9 guitars and 8 longboards.

My top five best friends on here are 1. Isao 2. Sukira 3. cutedragonwings 4. Dom 5. Leo. don't worry they may or may not be in order in fact.. I don't really have an order in life. I just let it unfold and hope it goes well. I'm not too sure how I made it to Legends League, While I can't even get the Elo of 500... oh well I'm happy : D.

I am polyamorous and can go from being in love to having a breakup, to being so mad I could hit someone. My favorite bands are SLAUGHTER TO PREVAIL, SIGNS OF THE SWARM, LORNA SHORE, and last but certainly not least: Unfavourite. 

IRL I am currently T^k3n.  last updated October 15, 2024