

Composer (music and chess),

3th place in section C of the 7th Youth Chess Composition Challenge ( with the following study: White to move and win

4th place in section C of the 6th Youth Chess Composition Challenge ( with the following study: White to move and draw

4th place in my district chess tournament, mah team placed 3rd in city tournament

I'm also a mod on NM Cjxchess17 discord

cjxchess17 fan club
cjxchess17 fan club 169 წევრი Legends Club Legends Club 2 364 727 წევრი
Cờ 8P1
Cờ 8P1 2 წევრი
Việt Nam
Việt Nam 62 121 წევრი
Eh's Basement
Eh's Basement 4 წევრი