I was not bribed to give this shoutout.



--->>>Welcome To My RARish Profile!<<<---

Listen. Do you want to be loyal to the only thing worth being loyal to? Do you want to take over EVRARYTHING? If yes, then the way forwRARd is clear. Join RAR!!! Support the Deer Leader (A.K.A. Not Master Joseph Truelson, RAR Attacker) on, or (intentionally misspelled). After you follow him, here are a few impRARtant links.

1. Classic RAR on

2. Classic RAR on (also intentionally misspelled)

3. The Only Twitch Channel Worth Following

Done all that? Now, the most important step: DON'T BE ANTI-RAR!!! RAR!!!

Loyal RARers, please put the above (and this sentence!) in your pRARfile...

"Curse you, foul Anti-RARers! May all your teeth fall out, except for one, so that you may have toothache! Would thou wert clean enough to spit on! Thou art a boil, a plague sore! Thy are the rankest compound of villainous smell that ever offended nostril! I'll beat thee, but I would infect my hands! I shall slap you, but that would be animal abuse! May the jackals feast upon the corpses of your fellows! The Glorious Meteor of the East shall rise and shine brighter than you all! RAR!" ~ @1e41-0

Now to the rest of my (significantly more peaceful) profile...

Note: Please, please don't send me nonsense in messages. I would gladly answer any questions but will consider blocking if you send nonsense.

Note #2: I rarely accept club invites unless there is a good reason to join. However, I do accept most friend requests.

Note #3: Please read my profile. There are prizes waiting to be found...


1. You are human

2. You are reading this

3. You can't say the letter P without separating your lips

4. You just attempted to do it

6. You are laughing at yourself

7. You just skipped number five

8. You checked to see if there was a number five

9. You are laughing again because you fell for it, as everyone else does.

10. You will probably show this to some else to see if they fall for it.


old joke


Everyone's a winner. (EDIT oh man, this brings me so many memories)


Nature... the thing we ruined.


Pawns can promote. Thunder them to the other side!


Speaking of nature please join the Nature Protectors Club




Clean the ocean! There are bits of microplastics that fish eat. When we eat fish, well, you know what happens. Many animals are dying because of plastic or oil spills. 





It is a really well-organized and active club!



Okay, I'm pretty good at being random.



Shhh! Here is how I check if people are actually reading my profile. Private message me the author of "The Line Tender" to get 5 MP in the -Road to GM- Membership Race. 




The sky is blue.


"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney



"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking." -Steve Jobs


Is it normal for foxes to stare at you through the window?


Check out my blog! Click Here!

EDIT (to be honest, I forgot I even had a blog)


I'm trying to have those really long About Me's but as I can't really FIGURE out HOW, I'll just type ramdom nonsense (and spam). And I did not spell random wrong.


˙˙˙uɐɔ noʎ ɟI ¿sᴉɥʇ pɐǝɹ noʎ uɐƆ





I do not like auto-join links. None of the links are auto-join.


On for 1 year! Woo!



October 25, 2021 10:04 PM EDT - 100 Followers!!! @travisgro!



December 31, 2021 - 2000 points! Mostly thanks to RARing and R2GM



January 4, 2022 - 1000 views! Thanks again to RAR and -Road to GM-. The new year seems to be really prosperous!


January 13, 2022 - 2000 in puzzles! Yeah, mostly thanks to me.


May 18, 2022 - 3,000 points! RAR and RAR and RAR!!!





Because I am a dignified, civilized symbol of the human race, I have a "Thank You" section. But it is still in progress, so you can get your name up here if you stop acting like a devil (nothing personal). tongue.png

@Joseph_Truelson - RAR!!!

@Nightly-Knight - My inspiration. What a nice non-devilish member. I might have gone on the wrong side without him.

@SuperiorLeopardHN - A good friend. They are always right where I need them.

@xiaotonghuang9 - A good friend who always has new ideas.

@Falcon5678 - Good friend I've known for a long time.

@Scobblelotcher - A role model I look up to.

@ (I can't put their real username here because they change it a lot) A very good RARer. Very protective of RAR and its meanings. (You know who you are.)

@ (I can't put their real username here because they don't want me to, but you know who you are) A very, very hardworking person.


























































































Who wrote "Sea of Trolls"? PM me the answer and I'll gift you 5 MP in the - Road to GM - Membership Race.















- Road To GM  -
- Road To GM - 3 831 dalībnieki
random club 1
random club 1 3 dalībnieki
Lightnings Bolts
Lightnings Bolts 508 dalībnieki
Cheating Forum
Cheating Forum 9 162 dalībnieki
Classic RAR
Classic RAR 303 dalībnieki