
I don't know what you are going through; only God does! Even when you don't see him, he is working, and He has plans for you Greater than anything you could possibly imagine.


Thank you God for bringing me to cc and the people I've met hence. And I owe some people some thank yous. 



The guy who will not be named- I messaged you with a completely irrelevant question, you kindly answered and we had a great, albeit small conversation.. And from your profile God lead me to CYCT! And from CYCT; CYG, (I won't say ccyg if even Ben don't jk) and CHT! 



Brother's John and Les! Thank you so much for what you do behind the scenes for CYCT. You both have helped me see the man I want to become, I've come to both of you with some tough questions for me and you have always answer backed by Biblical truth and wisdom that can only be gained by living. You have both been very reassuring.(Im not calling you old Lol) Also the dad jokes haha



Paco-  All the hours you put into CYG, and CYCT. All these people coming into CYG, you are one of the (if not The) first to meet them and introduce them into our Family.



Pastor Dan-
Pastor Sam-  
I hate to lump you in together but I dont know y'all too well… Thank you for being welcoming, helpful leaders in your faith and respective ministry's- CYCT, CYG.   (P.s Pastor Sam, thank you for the animal stories, they are often hilarious)



Josiah- We only spoke a few times, you were kind and very well versed when answering my questions, thanks you for everything you do for CHT.



Shout out to all the Admins- you the unspoken real ones frfr



Annie- I have no words LOL *Exhales* Thank you for being such a good friend, even if we'll most likely never meet. One day you'll get a horsey, until then keep looking for your billionaire XDD 



James-  Bro thanks for being there for me XD You are an aspiring Chess player, and maybe an actor (you are The King of drama)  jk jk
Stay cool, Stay weird. 🤜


Jocelyn- thanks for being kind! And all the chicken advice! Great and troubleshooting chickens (would recommend)



The Todd's- although I don't know yall that well, always being kind and willing to tell me about blue jeans and farm life  💪



Cecilia- thanks for the coffee advice, came in clutch for fathers day 



Artur- I don't you much about you, but your dog is amazing and your camera skills even better. Keep being tall bro XD



Ben- Bruv you are the type of person to call kicks- trainers.. XD Thanks for being there, and everything you do for CYG (even tho you threaten to abuse your power) XD 



Katie1- the stories you once shared with me made me laugh, and it's a rare happy moment when I get to laugh .. 🥲 XD 



Nat- you tell me to die, and I want to do the exact opposite of everything you tell me to do, so thanks for that. I now want to live just to be annoying to you in the future (jk)



Coltey- You shouldn't be this low on the list but someone had to be down here! Thank you for being so relatable and humble (see y'all? Coltey is humble and he is relatable therefore I am humble) I see a lot of me in you and its refreshing *jk* XD. You have been a blessing to me (even tho we've hardly spoken) 



All the guys in Dudes CHT. Y'all are like brothers that ill never get to meet, so thanks XD 



If I didn't mention you it's not because your not important I either forgot or we didn't know each other for very long  😅


Some of y'all fr gave me a reason to live in a very hard time for me. Thank you so much. I don't really plan of being gone too long, I just need some time and I'll   stay in touch with certain people.. Whenever I stop in I'll make sure to post a devo. Love y'all 🫰.


None of you will escape my prayer list MWWHAHAAAAHAHA



Michael- I am a Christian dude, I love Jesus. See you in Heaven. Duces



Long live NY ✊



I will give you your friendly punch when I get back. XD


I wanted to include some Music as well, music means a lot to me. Music is like meditation for me. It lets me be quite, unless Im screaming the song out loud Lol



Sunday Is Coming - Phil Wickham -



Contradictions - Coast Contra -



Wouldn't It Be Nice - The Beach Boys -



War - Bob Marley & The Wailers -



I Still Don't Cry - Marlon Craft -



Personal Jesus - Depeche Mode -



Hurt - Johnny Cash - 





"Take lots of pictures, not of sights, don't take pictures of buildings. Take pictures of moments, that's what matters." -Shaun Spencer



"I can't tell if Michael has typos or is just incoherent, or if I am the only one who doesn't understand some things he says" -Coltey



"It depends on what we're talking about, I think yellow is the best color but I might be biased" -me
"no u aren't it is a nice colour" -other person



"Remind me" - guess XD

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