
You are brave, mortal, to enter my domain. I am Sauron. Sauron the Great. Servant of Morgoth and terror of Middle-Earth. Know me and fear me. Or perish. Slowly, miserably and painfully. 

Yes. I am a Silamarillion/Lord of the Rings nerd. My real name is Silas. And there is no reason to fear me. I'm 15 years old, and just a random guy who's a Christian, avid board gamer and pianist. Some of my favorite board games are Wingspan, Catan, Risk and, of course, Chess. I'm horrible at chess though. Anyways, like I said earlier, I'm a Christian. Huh? You don't know what that means? Well, I'm glad you asked. Let me tell you.

Well, to get started, let me tell you what a Christian is. It simply means I'm a follower of Jesus Christ. What? You don't know who Jesus Christ is? Well, let me tell you about the greatest person ever. 

To get started, here's what you need to know about yourself and everyone else. We're all sinners. Each and every one of us. We've all lied, stolen, coveted and anything else that goes against God's law. By the way, sin is whatever we think, say or do that goes against God and His law. Because we have sinned, God must punish us. And that punishment is eternal separation from Him forever. That means when we die, we will go to Hell. And trust me, you do not want to end up there. So now you might be wondering, "Oh no, what do I do?" And, the answer to that question is, nothing. There is nothing you can do that can save you from the just anger of God. But that's where Jesus Christ comes in!

Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus came to this world as a perfect human. But He was still fully God! He lived a perfect life, never sinning against God. But, one day, a group of evil people killed Him. They crucified Him on a cross. And then they buried Him in a tomb. And for three days and three nights He was dead in that tomb. But it was not the end. For on the third day He rose again!! It's amazing!! Now He's alive in Heaven and He is the only way for you to be right with God. 

So, dear reader. If you haven't believed on Jesus and repented of your sins. You are condemned to Hell and eternal separation from God. If you don't want that consequence then repent!! Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ!! And you shall be saved. 

Now, for the shout outs. I've met a lot of great people here on Chess.com. If you're not on this list then that probably means I don't like you. XD Jk. I just didn't get around to it. 











 Alright! Thanks for reading my bio I probably bored you half to death, but, you know, oh well. I think you'll live.


I'd get out of here pretty quickly if I were you. Otherwise, I'll send my Nazgul to hunt you down.

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