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Weekly Monday And Wednesday Cleveland Chess Club
Both Chess Clubs are on the Westside of Cleveland, Ohio. Free to Join, All ages, Skill Levels & Suggest to bring an extra board if you can or a...
http://shahistashqiptare.webs.com/ This is the group representing Albania on the Chess.com World League and Europe League .Players from Rep.of Alba...
1 492
Chess Board
You sit at the board and suddenly your heart leaps. Your hand trembles to pick up the piece and move it. But what chess teaches you is that you mus...
Algeria Team
                                             جزائر يا مطـلع المعجزات
Team Iraq
فريق العراق,  المؤسس الأول للتجمع العراقي على هذه المنصة.. الفريق الوطني العراقي فريق دولي تنافسي, الممثل الوحيد لدولة العراق والمعتمد لدى الد...
4 146
The G.O.A.T club
Do you think that you are the Greatest of all time? If the answer is yes then do not hesitate to join this club!  We are active and we have a ...
The Killer Derivatives
(No advertising w/o admin permission please). We are a group that is aiming to become the strongest vote chess group on chess.com! We are ranked#16...
2 336
Vedic Warriors
Here is your personal invitation to join the Vedic Warrior Club.  We The Vedic Warriors want all chess players to come together, make good fri...
1 059
The Brawl Stars Fan Club
What’s up Brawl Fans! Join here for ACTIVE Brawl Stars talk and make some friends! IMPORTANT: Before you do anything in the club, read...
Clube Xadrez Brasil
Este é o Clube Oficial do Chess.com para o Canal Xadrez Brasil. Aqui, organizaremos torneios, estudos, Lives e será nosso ponto de encontro oficia...
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Team Denmark
Team Denmark repræsenterer Danmark her på chess.com i World League, Chess960 World League samt European League  World League og ...
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Exercitatio Artem Parat
Hi there. I would like to invite you to join our chess club Exercitatio Artem Parat. We are a constantly growing club and are part of dif...
Team Iran
تیم ایران اولین و تنها نماینده ایرانیان حاضر در سایت برای حضور در لیگ های جهانی و آسیایی استاندارد و  ۹۶۰ (فیشر) سایت ، از نوع روزانه (حداکثر 3 روز...
1 264
Country ball chess world
Come and explore chess through countryball !
Udine e FVG
Udine, dal fascino veneziano ai sapori friulani. Cittadina con piazze dall'incanto veneziano e antichi palazzi: da piazza Libertà, definita "la più...
Team Barcelona
Per tota la gent que viu a Barcelona, hi hagi estat o li agradi la ciutat. Para toda la gente que viva en Barcelona, haya estado en ella o le guste...
Jared's Fan Club
This is Jared's official fan club! Club rules are here: The Rules  
This is a group for all Ohioans , past or present. if you have a relative or friend from the great state of Ohio let them know .We play vote chess ...
The Game Zone, a pocket of time and space created by the Time Lords that was at the centre of the Panopticon - the great city on the Time Lord h...
Team Nigeria
Team Nigeria strives to be a happy and welcoming place. We promote a supportive and rewarding chess environment, as well as a chance to make friend...
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Team Malaysia
Team Malaysia is now actively participating in the World League Team Matches. The prerogative to join Team Malaysia is to fly Malaysian flag (Jalur...
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