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Шахматны сусвет
Клуб "Шахматны сусвет" создан исключительно для приятного, интересного и полезного  общения.
1 113
Team Odessa - Жемчужина у моря
Кибер-сборная Одессы ⚓️ была создана в апреле 2016-го. Наша команда - одна из самых первых украинских городских сборных на сайте. Играем в Дневные...
체스닷컴에서 가장 약한 무료 봇, 마틴(Martin)을 아시나요? 이 클럽은 마틴을 보호하는 클럽입니다. 지금까지 마틴은 단지 약하다는 이유만으로 여러 챌린지의 대상이 되거나, 사람들에게 처참하게 패배하는 등 엄청난 모욕을 당했습니다. 몇몇 사람들은 마틴에게 엄청...
Average Joes Chess
From the Average Joes Chess podcast, the chess club for average chess players and exceptional lovers. You know who you are.   
Lanarkshire is a very active and competitive team and represents the traditional county of Lanarkshire and Glasgow including Dunbartonshire, and we...
This group is for chess players with an interest in Astronomy. LET YOUR SPIRITS SOAR WITH THE MAJESTY OF IT ALL!!!!!! Join us!!!!! https://www...
2 598
I want this club to have 1k+ members because I am a normal human. so please join. ty. '-' Advertisement: Are you looking for a club where you c...
Occitanie Échecs
Équipe dédiée à tous les membres qui habitent ou ont un attachement particulier à notre belle région d'Oc...
Club de Ajedrez de Luisón
Bienvenido a mi club. Si formas parte de él podrás participar en los torneos que organizaremos para entrenar un poco y animar los shows de http://t...
6 894
Puerto Rico Chess Academy
Puerto Rico Chess Academy es una organización deportiva sin fines de lucro, fundada en el año 2016, cuyo objetivo fundamental es...
Parrots of the Otherside
You must like Minecraft parrots to join.This is basically a club about Minecraft and other fun stuff. Our older brother: @sailsword 2nd leader:...
Blitz brawlers
Ever wanted to join a blitz club? Well now you can! You don’t need to like blitz to join, you just must be willing to play a few blitz games.
TCS Maitree Chess Club
This club was created for all the chess players who are associates of Tata Consultancy Services. To join the club whatsapp - Velmurugan / Praveen ...
1 041
This is the group representing ''Madagascar'' in the World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Matc...
1 713
if you like dogs or cats
This is a club that has 0 to do with dogs or cats... We love to talk. We also do vote chess and daily chess. remember to read the rules we have 30+...
Zimbabwe Chess Kings and Queens
New team for all Zimbabwean Chess lovers. We play team matches, votechess and league Championships (including TMCL, TMCL960 and CLUB CHES...
2 791
Serbian Squad
Klub je osnovan 2014. pod nazivom "Internet Šahovski Klub Delfin Beograd" a kasnije je korišćen kao omladinski i rezervni sastav Srbija Tima pod im...
4 096
The LA Chess Club
Follow us on instagram. Los Angeles Chess Club All official Links Follow us on instagram.  We are a community of young adults who play...
1 264
шахматен  супер клуб
Mindgame masters
Mindgame Masters is an exclusive club designed for chess enthusiasts who aspire to elevate their game. With a vibrant community of over 300+members...
U3A Chess Club
U3A CHESS CLUB For University of the 3rd Age members - learners, improvers or experts.
Katya's Chess Mafia-KCM
Welcome to Katya's Chess Mafia! Whether you're a master or a beginner, we invite you to join our community of active and talented chess players. ...
Charlotte Chess Center
The CCC is a two-time national award winning institute and an official organizing partner of Join us for weekly tournaments, discussions...
1 982